Wednesday, March 18, 2009

Camp Food

First of all thanks to everyone who is reading this blog. Im so flattered. I hope everyone feels free to comment and add their experiences (I want Connie's tofu pie recipe, Holley's info, and Aubrey's baby-veg ideas)!
Second: camp food. my arch nemesis. I have had so many bad camp food meals. I am horrible at packing light, making meals with little heat, and no refrigeration. But James and I are
 fleeing south for a week of un-Maine weather camping and I need some ideas for food.
 I bought some soup mixes, dried polenta, oatmeal, boxed tofu, and noodles. And some sun-dried tomatoes with a pesto mix. I try to avoid pre-made boxes/cans/packets but camping makes this difficult. Light, dry, and good- is there such a thing?
TIPS PLEASE!!! (and this means you Johanna)


Stacey Sargent said...

Oh Wynn...your comment made my day! Im soo glad you found me. Oh the days of BYU class...pretty sure I only went 50% of the time. I saw your cute wedding pictures on facebook. You are adorable and I have seriously thought of you often since last time I saw you. You were one of the only people at BYU I liked. hehe! How are you??


2pint said...

Camping on the beach is a new dynamic. We are used to chilly cold nights and mornings so warm food tastes and feels good. But if you are already warm it may not. I would recommend fruits and breads(which you could find locally or even canned fruit is decent although weighty). Dinners are tough. Instant stuff is quick and easy but usually too salty and average. real pasta takes longer. I would use foil and cook veggies and potatoes on the coals. Snacks, snacks, and more snacks. Powerbars aren't bad either. Shakes that can blend in a bottle. that is all I am worth sorry. I will have Joh add too.

CHAD said...

Sorry I didn't get to this in time for your trip. I'm excited to see the pictures. I would have said I'm all about pancakes when travelling because you can mix up the dry ingredients and just add water. They're easy to cook and you can top them with anything. Hope your trip was fun. Wish we could have come.

MomCan said...

Soooo, what did you eat? Let's have a recipe from DE ISLANDS!!!