Saturday, April 18, 2009

comfort food

Bread may be my favorite food in the world. 

I am working on no-knead recipes from I don't have all the tools he uses so I looked up the original no-knead recipe featured by Mark Bittman on his NYtimes blog. The baker, Jim Lahey, makes his in a Le Creuset instead of a Le Cloche. So much french bakeware. Any heavy covered stone/ceramic/dutch oven etc etc will do. 
Mine turned out like this:

Its called no-knead because you combine the ingredients and let it sit overnight or so. The time apparently makes up for the kneading and allows for a very wet dough- which makes the big holes inside. I used a wild sourdough starter that I made using the recipe found on But im not sure it made a huge difference.

I really like the loaf with some flavor additions- garlic and rosemary was REAL good. It lasted 1.5 days between the two of us. 


James said...

delicious! truly delicious! and pretty too.

Emy said...

Wynn that looks like heaven! Tell me why to use a sourdough starter. Can you not make sourdough bread without it?

MomCan said...

That is one gorgeous loaf. Hope you plan to bake some while you are here. Yahhh!