Wednesday, April 1, 2009

Getting rid of food waste

Has anyone composted? Is anyone currently composting? Has anyone tried THIS?


2pint said...

We did at our old house in cottonwood heights. The key is to keep it wet, dark, and balanced with the right proportion of waste.(not too much food waste or too much leaves or grass). No animal products, grease, or butter. Needs to be clean with greens. Another option is to include worms, but that is a whole other issue.

Mark and Libby Miller said...

wow wynn, i just have to say this is unlike any other good blog i have read. it's so witty, political, includes history and perspective...all without being boring. Wow. YOU are great!


Wynn said...

stop that. no really. stop that

MomCan said...

I hope to find a spot in our yard, maybe behind the waterfall to start a compost. Would love to have that to spread around in the garden next year.

Mom B said...

Okay Wynn, I'll weigh in. I agree with keeping it moist. But I put in anything. We use things cleaned from the barn, coop and pasture, as well as table waste and clippings and weeds. Be sure to through in a shovel full of dirt from time to time. When you get a good pile. Mix it all up and cover it with dry grass clippings or straw and let it "cook"--still keeping it moist--not wet. In good weather--3 months.
Another idea. Just put the food scraps under your ground cover (we use alfalfa and leave it alone. It will break down for next year.