Wednesday, April 1, 2009

If you are sick of winter

I am done with winter. I try not to go outside anymore just to avoid knowing it is still cold (and in Maine dark and cloudy). This salad/pasta dish/something reminds me there is hope. Ive been eating for the last 3 days straight.

Noodle Veggie Salad (for lack of a better name)
adapted from:
Great tutorial, but almost all the other recipes are meat...

{cut up a lot of vegetables, including cabbage.}
{make some linguine noodles}
{stir up a blend of olive oil, seasame oil, squeezed lime juice, ginger, garlic, tamari or soy sauce, brown sugar, hot peppers, and cilantro}

Wynn, you ask, why such sparse directions!?!?? Well, because I believe in you. Some people love red/green/yellow peppers and others do not. Some may love veggies more than life itself while others could literally eat noodles for eternity. Some people have a bunch of leftover veggies, no energy to make 12 different dishes, and 20 min before their family starts to get hypoglycemic. SO use what you have or what you like.

I used this stuff. plus some spinach.

I added this stuff without paying too much attention to the amounts listed in recipe. You cant go wrong with a versatile dressing like this. lime+ ginger+garlic+tamari+sesame oil=perfect flavors

I came up with this. Failed at my attempt to garnish (really though, garnishing!? just hungry)

*Small technique notice: One of james' classmates is Chinese and KNOWS ginger. She told me her mom would never peel it and now she doesnt either, just a quick wash and cut. I've been doing it too now and haven't notice a bit of difference. Why not?


Mark and Libby Miller said...

you have such diverse ingredientes (spanish flare not spelling error) I am impressed! and this looks muy RICO. come to utah.


MomCan said...

Love the garnish. Good to know I don't ever have to peel ginger again. It is not a favorite sport of mine.

CHAD said...

You and James should come on down to the Carolinas. I got sunburned this weekend mowing the lawn and picnicing with the family. We would love to have you. Plus we just put in our vegetable garden and you could help us decide what else to plant.